We Offer Free Shipping Across India.

TrendOye’s commitment to deliver your order accurately in good condition and always on time, is unmatchable. All our orders go though extensive 3 levels quality check, and we ensure that you get the right product in the right condition. As many of the orders are fresh batch made-to-order and it takes little time to come from weaver's / artisan's / craftsmen's end.

So most of your orders are shipped within 5-6 business days once the order is placed except on weekend or on public holidays. And then another 6-7 business days to get the same delivered, depending upon the delivery location. However in case of any ongoing state-wise restrictions (if-any), delivery time may vary, depending upon the shipping destination. We deliver to most of the locations across the world.

INTERNATIONAL:  (USA / UK / Canada / UAE / Australia Etc...)

We deliver to most of the locations across the world. All international orders takes approximately 8-10 business days to ship. International orders may take approximately 10-15 days to deliver, after the shipment, depending upon the delivery country and city. Shipping charges varies by country-to-country and depends upon the weight of the shipment. You can add items to your cart to view shipping charges. 

However in case of any unforeseen scenario like elections or sudden declared holidays, some delays in the dispatch/delivery of the shipment may take place. 

Shipping Speed

TrendOye’s commitment to deliver your order accurately, fresh, in good condition and always on time, is unmatchable. Considering batch fresh made-to-order for many orders, we believe in speed and most of your order is shipped within 5-6 business days once the order is placed except on weekend or on public holidays. We deliver to most of the locations across the world.

Shipping Restrictions

Any items notified by delivery company to be restricted and/or banned and/or prohibited from time to time (including but not limited to animals, bullion, currency, bearer from negotiable instruments, precious metals and stones, firearms or parts thereof and ammunition, human remains, pornography and illegal narcotics/drugs).

Free Shipping

TrendOye offers free shipping on all orders in India! 

Pls. Note: Free shipping is only applicable to the pincodes that are serviced by our logistics partners. In the case that your pincode is un-serviceable, then additional shipping charges will applied to your order. Our customer support team will contact you accordingly for the same before dispatching your order.

Important Information

Order cut-off times are provided as guidelines only, and do not take into account possible delays caused by payment authorization. We aim to dispatch all orders as soon as the product is ready and within time shown on the product page. However, a delay of 72 hours is possible from the designer / manufacturer in case of unforeseen circumstances. Estimated delivery times are to be used as a guide only and commence from the date of dispatch. We are not responsible for any delays caused by destination customs clearance processes. We are unable to redirect orders once items have been dispatched.

Delhivery Timeline

Most of the domestic orders are shipped by Delhivery Logistics and other collaborated logistics companies, between 10am - 7pm, Monday to Saturday. It takes approx. 5-7 days for national shipping, post dispatch, depending upon the delivery location. But due to the current pandemic scenario sometimes it may take more that usual time for the delivery.

Shipping Within India

Shipping in India is free of charge. This is to maintain the service level and provide your product on time. We mostly use Delhivery services to deliver in India currently.

International Shipping

TrendOye delivers globally and assures that the best possible courier provider is used to deliver your product, the shipments are usually fulfilled by Delhivery Logistics via. Aramax, Fedex and other other Delhivery Logistics collaborated courier companies. The shipping charges depend on your country of purchase, order volume & weight and will be calculated at checkout itself. TrendOye is not responsible for any parcel that is not collected by the consignee. For the orders shipped from India, any import duties and taxes charged when the parcel reaches the destination country, must be paid by the recipient. We cannot estimate the value of duties and have no control over these charges as customs policies vary from country to country. If you have queries related to custom charges you can please contact your local customs office.


TrendOye insures each purchase during the time it is in transit until it is delivered to you. We require a signature for any goods delivered, at which point responsibility for your purchased goods passes to you. If you have specified a recipient who other than you for delivery purposes (eg. a gift) then you accept that evidence as a signature by them (or at that delivery address) is evidence of delivery and fulfilment by TrendOye and transfer of responsibility in the same way.

Taxes And Duties

For Indian Customers, GST will be charged as specified. As mentioned above, for international customers we ship the package as a personal use item only but if the customs is applied for that country it needs to be paid by the customer and receive the delivery for same. Company is not responsible for any Custom duties. The information about customs if applied will be informed to customer via email/phone.